One shrill scream.
One surprising toy.
One surprising toy.
“Kiikk kuuuuuuu!” It’s a scream that can be heard around the world. And it’s a toy that will bring laughter, shock, and surprise to everyone in your family — parents to siblings and even pets — will get a laughin’ kick (or scare) out of this Hot-Sell Screaming Chicken.

A history
of statement-making
of statement-making
The chicken was always loud in its own way
Rumored to have originated from a Swedish clown in the 1900s to mock the gluttony of the upper class, prop chickens have always been used to attract the masses and make a statement. In fact, fake chickens were also said to have been used during the French Revolution as a sign of good luck. But back then, these chickens didn’t make any noise.

A gag gift and toy today
Make a statement today– a loud one — with our Hot-Sell Screaming Chicken. Squeeze it to scream and attract customers at an outdoor fair, garage sale, or use it as a revenge prank on a sloppy roommate or annoying neighbor.

Small, safe, and lots of fun
Made of 100% non-toxic rubber, our chicken measures 11 in (31cm) in length, our loud, fussy toy can go with you from parties to concerts and so much more for a screamin’-good time.

Great for anyone
Gift the gift of an unexpected scream at an office white elephant gift exchange, present it to a friend with a bustling farm (the scream can help round up cattle), or give it to someone who owns a vendor-cart food business. There’s so many uses and ways to have fun with our Hot-Sell Screaming Chicken.
First, giving this to your dog what do you expect will happen? Dogs pop and trash tennis balls, so do you really think this rubber chicken is going to be any stronger than a tennis ball? LOL
Bought this for a classroom Christmas gift exchange. I put it in a large, wrapped box and all the kids HAD to have the gift in the big box. We played a game where kids stole wrapped gifts from each other and one by one the gifts were opened. Well, this box made it to the very end of the game. All the kids gathered around to see what was in the giant box. The room exploded with laughter when it was opened. The kids loved it. This is a must have gag gift.
Fair enough product for a cheap rubber chicken. However, if you’re buying this chicken to use as an instrument to play songs like you may have seen on YouTube… Definitely not good for that. The pitch is not variable No matter if you squeeze it hard or soft, faster slow. One pitch only. You’re probably not purchasing this chicken to make music like I was, so I’m sure you’ll be just fine!! If you are intrigued and a little adventurous, get on YouTube and type in “Bohemian Rhapsody, rubber chicken“ in the search bar. 🤣
Chicken is funny!!! But ours is still afraid of her, but he is interested!!! Think a couple of hours and he will make friends with her 🙂
My fiance loves (probably too much…) those videos with the singing rubber chickens, so I purchased this one for his birthday! After informing him that he will NEVER wake me up with the rubber chicken (…or else the rubber chicken will find itself at the rubber chicken slaughter house…), he began to squeeze it, and this rubber chicken is now a constant source of amusement in our house! Its fun and silly – just buy it!
This was purchased as a gift and unfortunately it showed up smaller than I thought it would be and it wasn’t exactly as described. I still sent it as a gift because it was funny
Bought these for my wife for her birthday! Was a gift from the cat! She absolutely lost her mind when she opened the gift. I still hear the squawking in my mind. They are in the living room and when I’m in a bad mood she squawks them at me. Great way to brighten. The mood, get a laugh or annoy your friends!!